Watch for Me CT can lead a group of advocates, community leaders, and others through an assessment of the walkability, safety and accessibility of an area of your town.
We can provide a table of information for health and safety fairs, community events, bike rodeos, open streets, and other events.
Watch for Me CT is available to give talks to groups of 5 or more.
Past presentations have been made to driving schools, Rotary
Clubs, classrooms ages K-2, disability groups, parks and rec
departments, and others.
Panels and summits include the Governor’s Highway Safety
Association’s Annual Meeting, Bike Walk CT’s Annual Summit,
the Hartford Multi-Modal Transit Summit, and distracted driving
conferences and panels.
Click here to learn more about our community safety events.
There are no charges for the services of Watch for Me CT.
To request services, please contact Amy Watkins.
Driving safely around bicyclists and pedestrians
Laws and basic best practices for bicycling safety
Basic bicycle and pedestrian safety for children
Pedestrian safety for the disabled
(blind, deaf, and mobility impaired)
Safe trail usage and trail etiquette
Distracted driving
Runner/walker safety
Other related topics as requested