Each year, about 1,500 pedestrians and 550 bicyclists are hit by cars on Connecticut roadways, leading to serious injuries and fatalities. Watch for Me CT is a statewide campaign aimed at reducing those numbers through awareness, education, and enforcement.
The program began in 2017 in response to a one-week period in December 2016 with 9 serious crashes involving pedestrians, resulting in 8 fatalities. It is spearheaded by the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT) and Connecticut Children’s Injury Prevention Center.
Watch for Me CT increases the overall visibility of pedestrian and bicyclist safety issues through public service messages and community engagement efforts such as special events, sponsorships and partnerships. The program also provides educational materials to leaders such as government staff, pedestrian and bicycle advocates, city planners, law enforcement agencies, engineers, public health professionals, the media, influencers, elected officials, parents, and educators.